Its would be the bsg wouldn't it, or the hacker I guess, just not the useful profile.
Tbhfam I think the only people who are less likely to get HD+ than us are pano and toha
I hope we get some eclipse, since the current dynamic of sval vs white banner is sval has heavy armour and msv (jotum + nisse) and wb has tricks....
Who with knauf be representing I wonder? Starco?
[IMG] [IMG] New stuff from Russia.
I'm on the boat of no nomads are going out of production for various reasons. Gib new guilangs pls
Sorry fam you not allowed to talk about the player characters like that...
A All the new tiger soldiers are rock free and look great.
The thing is once you start making updates through army out of step with major releases people will expect it even more.
One of the recent sniper shots look very yu jing hi, but not something we are familiar with.
I've only played vanilla since the update, mainly because I don't want a whole link team of proxys. Really like the mowang.
Do you guys think there will be a shang ji box?
Hopefully they are saving the good pose for the multi rifle model
Not a fan of the liuxing pose tbh, hopefully the multi rifle one will be better.
Hope down the line they do another combi sculpt and or hmg since those are going to be by far the most common zuyong. Maybe repack the existing...
I thought I would have been a smart ploy to roll the existing hmg zuyong into another box.
Put a list together to run the hac Tao, what do you guys think? [img] Hactao──────────────────────────────────────────────────[img]10 [img] HAC...
Who would our dire foe be against? I can see Tunguska against OSS. I guess we could go a classic pano vs yu jing.