FO is the most basic specialist skill that allows like 2 classified objectives without any other utility. Paramedic and hacker get their own COs,...
Shang Ji as elite veterans would make sense with TA across all profiles. This would open up hacker and paramedic as viable choices for HI pain train.
Ef it, Im buying this box just for the mini and bottle opener. Gonna force my opponents to drink beer with me during games just to flex that opener xD
Hulang needs 6-2 asap. Koala on at least 1 of the FTO profiles would help. And something I've been asking for years now: eclipse please. The...
E/M ccw has both e/m and normal ammo. So as long as bts and arm are equal e/m weapon ia superior to what jing qo has, it deals same damage plus...
BTW any idea when Bixie will be added to army? Does any one remember when they added Fiddler last year?
I will gladly test her in vanilla. She might make me play IA again. But holy hell for WB she is amazing. Even if she will be limited to "White...
Sheskiin. There you go xD
Heh, so many people would like to forget about it. And many wish CB would forget that design and make something normal.
If I were to play IA, which I don't really want to do after FT changes, this is the team I would run for offence and button pushing....
Don't go there, any mention of sexual dimorphism in CB models will lead to massive shitstorm and countless accusations of you being sexist. Been...
To answer the question. Even if Template user loses FtF his attack will affect other targets as long as he managed to roll under succes value. And...
On the topic of Yan Huo but not in IA. I'm starting to play with some weird Duo's in Vanilla to spice things up a bit. My new favourite toy is...
And Yorshka is from DkS3 ;)
And you could go even further with that. Using spotlight for the first time isn't accomplishing Designation. Rules say that you can no longer use...
Shooting would reduce chances as you can miss 1 and then fail 1. Just stick the needle in for guaranteed 2 rolls. Unless Medkit (B+1) only works... ────────────────────────────────────────────────── [img]3...
Give us BURNT back! With Avatar getting so much buffs and cost reduction we need something to take this beast out. Not every faction has decent...
I was wondering that myself. But when you add ITS MBH to the list, her entry has the same name as normal MBH. Without clicking on the unit itself...
Wouldn't a lot of issues with guided be gone if spotlight allowed BTS save? Give it high damage and some special ammo so it has decent chance of...