I personally handled around 20 siocast miniatures (most were objectives but not all). In my experience it has been terrible. I've tried cutting...
Lets be honest, if someone ever gets Engineer Pilot it's gonna be Nomads, it sort of makes sense in fluff, and is seems too good for any other...
Yaofangs are amazing. Monks with Liang Kai, shang ji with hmg and hrl, couple of zhanshis, standard remotes, guilang bsg and hacker, Tiger...
Here in Poland I sometimes get products a day or 2 before their release day after preordering them from official Infinity distributor in Poland....
If stealth is open info its always on unless declared otherwise. If its hidden info then you have to say its on if you want it.
Im playing OSSS in our local league. I was planning on going YJ or Haqq but REF update changed that. OSSS looks like the most impacted army and...
That change makes sense only if they plan to put them in vanilla. AFAIK the issue with +9CC remdriver cannot happen when you play them im ReInf.
Oh I have no idea what exacly is on the card. All Im saying is that the terrain itself doen't provide any secondary effects, just the move...
The card only mentions Zero G. Terrain rules by default add 1" to first move value if Trooper posseses relevant Terrain skill. Everything else...
Since the start of N4 in every ITS Predator had errata that it works with coup de grace. But it's nice that we no longer have to explain this to...
Is the Samsa in ITS box Siocast? In the tournament pack description: And looking at the list of whats inside: It looks like the only thing...
SoRa is newer than N4. But other than that I can't remember anything else.
Give Achilles v1 AP Spitfire for 1 point more and he is golden.
https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/hassassin-bahram.svgHB Reinf ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP...
I think 50 is too low. Any faction that gets Noctifer type troop can pair it in G2 with TR bot. They both go down in ARO, maybe kill something...
Well looks like I did miss something obvious. Weird part is that after adding Commlink guy to normal 300 point list without reinforcement group it...
It seems that Commlink Troops are avaible even without reinforcements activated in the settings. And the skill itself is worded in such a way that...
Its shitcast, everything can happen. Im still upset that CB refuses to get rid of that crap and makes us pay full price for this. Even if you get...
No, it can't.
Ajax is guaranteed. I think it was in the previous studio update when they had concept art for him. But as a thicc s5 he is going to be shitcast...