And Impetuous activates the unit without spending order while peripheral can be activated with controller when you spend an order. Bold text is...
Is it confirmed to be metal or just rumored? I want to buy them badly but no way in hell I'll support shitcast by buying anything made out of it....
Just giving her counts as Shang Ji would make her interesting in WB, and it would somewhat fix one of the problems with sectorial. I want to like...
So now HFT on her model is finally represented in the profile and the tinbot from the box is playable with one unit from said box. Congratulations...
How about this. Flash pulse against total immune: I'm trying to stun you. Combi rifle against Jotum in cover: I'm trying to wound you. Nano...
It's not a claw. It's the upsidedown spitfire handle SJ has.
Where do you guys find these news? I looked up coming out tab but noting new there.
It looks like box of 2 with SMG and shotgun. If other rem boxes are a baseline we won't have 2 of each... Also any information if it's shitcast or...
I was mostly making fun of all the people who claim you are only toxic and always hate CB for everything they do, although some of it was making...
Edit: Read the following in Sir David's Attenborough voice for the full immersion. Dear spectators, here you can see a wild Nuada in his natural...
All you want is super reliable suppressing brick on top of everything nomads already have. This is your trade-off. My guijia can eat a pistol shot...
This is ridiculous. We still have very basic rules that need clarification. With the change to BS lof no longer being checked at declaration but...
[IMG] This was linked in another thread about hunters.
Considering the fact that Spanish version has 20cm FD instead of 2" it may be classic 8" FD. If that's the case then YJ exclusive profile looks...
You glued printed sheet to the cardboard, or just used it for extra durability during cutting? If yes what kind of glue did you use so it didn't...