nop sorry. It was a rules doubt with the classified deck and troop classification. And a player asked it on the army bug thread. But it could...
Added the Spec. Trained Troop, missing troop classification to the Scout Guards
Hecho. Añadido a los Scot Guard su clasificación de tropa: Tropa de Ent. Especial.
This is just awesome! Great work!
xDDD And soon you will be able to enjoy the last edition one. ^^
Soon ^^
Perfil de Sunduqbut añadido a Ramah Taskforce Corregida la tabla de programas Hacker. Ahora los estados IMM especifica de que tipo son.
Sunduqbut added to Ramah Taskforce Fixed the Hacking programs chart. Now the type of IMM states are defined.
Sounds like the best pulpibirthday party ever! We will need a piñata!
The motorcycles got a point adjustement when we added the mimetism skill. And with that adjustement we had in mind this change, only that the rule...
Diggers profile removed from Tohaa.
Perfil de DIggers retirados de Tohaa.
Well, i just update Tohaa removing the Diggers. It should be removed the same day that we did in Spiral Corps, but we didnt. Sorry. About the...
I will talk with @ijw about the viability of this. ;) And yes, we know how it works since the release, and its how we want it to work. So, there...
I don't know what you are talking about. Wink wink. (fixed. You have to refresh the cache)
Not Defiance FAQ, but yes Infinity FAQs :P About your questions. I have to say that I didnt have answers for all kind of questions. Dont forget...