LOL That's mine! :D I should do more photos. It feels good to show painted miniatures :P
Right, it's an error, She should be Character. I will ask to change it. But maybe it take a time to show it correctly, because we are working in...
The Pilot is the Specialist Operative, not the TAG, so, you could have two civilians when the Pilot is out, but when he mount his TAG, he olny can...
oki doky. Noted.
Right. It is the same case with the Hafzas.
It's not possible to add a third Bronze into the Bronzes Fireteams, even with wildcard option. Because the Max number of Bronzes that this...
Right! The forum have a character limit. I edited the poll and the post.
Tengo curiosidad y me gustaría saber que es lo que opináis. Imaginemos que las tropas extra en algunas misiones de ITS, como SecDet o Corsario, se...
I'm curious and I would like to know what you guys think. Let's imagine that the extra troops in some ITS missions, like SecDet or Corsair, are...
It works also for the Anaconda Operator.
Have to be 2 Forward Observer or 2 of Spotlight. It's not posible to do a combination od 1 FO and 1 Spotlight.
Es una errata que corregiremos. En español debería ser solo objetivo, como en la versión inglesa.
Booty is a Deployment Skill. It works when Robin Hook is deployed. The extra item she gets, is added to the Trooper's gear and doesn't lose it...
Thank you! We try to do our best. However, I will forward this request to the CB team.
Log de cambios: Nuevos Perfiles y opciones Nómadas y Bakunin Stigmata Daemonista Madre Sanadora Agatha Wabara Robin Hook, IA Forajida...
Change Log New Profiles Nomads and Bakunin Stigmata of the Observance Daemonist Observant Mother Healer Agatha Wabara Robin Hook, outlaw...
hahahahaha. Love it. That Pulpi is really annoyed, too much party noise outside :P
That's right
adding one more think to the "requirements" that @tox told you, is to be willing to organize a tournament. Anyone can organize a tournament. You...
and today more!