You are right. Troopers from the Main Section cannot be part of the Reinf. Fireteams of the Reinforcements Section. In the same way, Troopers from...
Buenas! Ese PDF lo puedes encontrar en la sección de descargas de la web de Infinity, en el apartado de Tag raid....
me alegro. Un placer.
Buenas! Debería estar solucionado
Buenas! Podrías pasarme el codigo army de la lista para que podamos hacer la prueba y ver que es lo que esta pasando.
Hi miners!! Do you have any question about your trip to Khurland or about how to survive to a Megabeast attack? Well... this is not the place....
Hi! Firts of all, thank you for your support! Sorry of the delay of the answer, my teammate is on a medical leave and I was on a paternity leave....
during your turn like a regular AD beep, beep. As Tox Said: There are cards involving them And more important. If you refresh the PDF page....
Both. Yellow and blue
Modified profiles: ◼ ITS SeCDet CSU, Corporate Security Unit. ◼ ITS Bashi Bazouks Corsair. ◼ ITS Motorized Bounty Hunter.
Perfiles modificados: ◼ ITS SeCDet CSU, Unidad de Seguridad Corporativa. ◼ ITS Corsario Bashi Bazouks. ◼ ITS Cazarrecompensas Motorizado.
Hi! Those are good news! You will have a great time at the Interplanetario, I'm sure! :D Write to and ask for a...
Th reinforcements introduction will be after the Interplanetario. We really want to play with the new stuff, but we have to wait a littlle, until...
yes we sent the tournament invitations [ATTACH] dont hesitate on follow our social media to avoid missing any important news. Also, dont forget...
we are working on it and closing some activities. So, we will publish it soon
yeah. It's a point.
The classified deck is out of stock, and in a few months we will start the new season. That's the reason we realase the PDF version. To help to...
I would like a premium version ofc! But if you have to do a double check, one in the card and other on a PDF to know what to do, in my opinion...
If this happends tell us, because the deck is out of stock. Would be great to have some extra units xDDD sad :( We need your support :P It was...