Given that the Kuang Shi Control device and the associated skill Detonate Kuang Shi don’t appear on the Celestial Guard Monitor profile, is the...
Tariq has gone on the back burner. Let’s have a go at this challenge and see if I can paint more than one mini in a month [ATTACH]
Thanks all for your help.
How so, I thought lists were supposed to be 300pts? If you can reduce the number of minis I have to paint before next months deadline I’ll be happy!
I have all the minis (not necessarily matching the equipment) on the list with the exception of the Z’s.
How do you make an army with so few minis? Does it not have to be 300pts?
[ATTACH] Hi guys and gals. I’m considering having a bash at the CB Infinity painting competition. Basically I’m putting together an army list of...
And so it begins. [ATTACH]
Bragging rights successfully unlocked!
Those guns! :muscle:
Thank you. A couple more red glazes helped too
Limited edition Imperial Agent, Crane Rank. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Done! [ATTACH]
I’m on the home stretch. A little more work to do on the base and then varnish. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Some really nice colour combinations here.
Deleted double post.
Yeah baby! Work it!
Ooh, that's a bit sexy.
Photos might help. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I found myself with a free hour, so tried my hand at nmm gold for the trim.