After Uprising Greater Japan had Shunto (the island of Japan), Kaseitoshi (Mars), areas on Paradiso around Fukaitani and Kokkyo-3, Koritawa on...
Oh... what do we have here? Looks like some leaks! Auxbot with a big gun! [IMG] Jackals look to be a nasty bunch at least when it comes to the...
Minescorp is one of the Group of 5 hypercorps in the setting. Not surprising that they have put themselves in the new colonial force. New colony...
I think he meant Tian Gou which are a naval unit. White laurels, white capsule, but with a single yellow symbol mixed with a white one. Unit...
We're doing this AGAIN?! Sigh...
Ask anyone about the 37-something model Bakunin list that won the 2018 Krug if that was fun (the winner didn't accept his prizes and instead gave...
As the ninja was hoofing it down the hall someone stepped out from the stairway access door. They let the one carrying Loren go right by them....
Cleaner images from the Krug seminar: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] - Specifically talked about flying vehicles...
Helps that when making an account on Discord you can get directly to posting as well (server rules notwithstanding). Last I checked CB still had...
The three holoechoes looked over the scene before them. Everyone looked like they were drugged. Well almost everyone... Saito let the smoothie in...
If no one in the room had ever had a psychedelic trip before they were having one now. You could taste color, feel the texture of the cosmos, hear...
Looks like it. Hayabusa is Japanese for falcon. I've tried looking up the second word but nothing good comes back (either part of a longer word...
"Well, I'm sure you all did your homework on my parents. You know who they lobby for and what that means for the Helots on Varuna." She gripped...
The glint of Brandy's chrome smile pierces the darkness from behind the team like some twisted Cheshire Cat. Their pursuers weren't any closer but...
Looks like the Tiger Soldiers were just the beginning for Yu Jing. Blue Wolf [IMG] [IMG] Yan Huo [IMG] [IMG] Shang Ji [IMG] [IMG]...
Things weren't looking good. Chumani and the Planierraupen fireteam were trading shots with Chumani gaining the upper hand. She was able to drop...
Loren Dixon was not the one to have a conversation with Kenn. The first thing out of her mouth was a scream and her trying to get away from Igor....
For those giving chase they were met by a field of... corn? No, that wasn't right. The stocks were tall but they were jet black and had multiple...
Aspects might be spin-offs from Aleph but they're not LAIs which geists are. So an Aspect using a geist wouldn't be out of the norm. It's a useful...
Samira, even through the din of battle, was able to shout towards the mobster holding Loren hostage. It was a threat. A threat that the mobster...