I really like Infinity more without Fireteams. They are very boring to me. I'm sad that Morat army strong points and improvements all seem wrapped...
Lots of answers! But Morats are a military people , uh huh? The whole race is military focused. Wouldn't they have counterintelligence maybe?...
If only some profiles get NCO, it would be very cool if the rest got some useful skill. Counterintelligence would be very great.
Yes! I want to try the Rak in a Yaogat fireteam too. He is cheap guy, a specialist and has a big template. I think thats a good match with...
I am a little worried the Raktorak may lose Specialist Operative on some profiles and get NCO as a trade, instead of getting both on all profiles.
I am returning to the game after awhile. Have not played for a long time. I am very surprised by changes and updates. But not to complex at all....
I read something about Morat Ammo Holidays? And other things about Morats using excessive firepower? That does sound like what Full Auto does....
TAK does seem really strong to me. Ariadna is popular in my group,a nd both of our best players play it and are very tough to ever beat. They...
Mimitism would be very good, wouldn't it? I know it is a little simple, but I guess that is the Morat approach! And it is traditional. +1 BS is...
I'd just rather be able to win shooting matches though. A Sogarat that can win a shootout with a normal Furback or HMG is better than a Sogarat...
Is Fataility good for the Sogarats tho? It gives them more damage, but they already have really nice damage with their heavy weapons. Damaging...
Wow, these are really exciting!
These are so nice and clean!