Of course. We all use Vanguard because they are what we have. But they have always been problem. Anyat is great, but did not fix Vanguard. She...
Not new, but real complaint. Mixing the teams doesn't make Vanguard better or fix them. It just means spam Tactical Sense Suryat HMG everywhere....
What buff?
If that is simple and cheap, for 1 or 2 points, I like it. Because you are extremely right. Sogarat is ALMOST a CC guy, but isn't receiving the...
Tanking the Sup Fire Mrym to Dodge past? It is true. Not so perfect. But sometimes better to take a wound (dice calculator says good chance of 1...
Close combat buff Sogarat would be a cool upgrade. NBW can't cost so much, I bet? But what if, how about just a Chaincolt for fighting pesky ODD?...
I took a long break form Infinity to play Wrath of Kings, but that finally died off where i live (and everywhere else, I think). I play Necromunda...
That does make a sense. I still don't understand why it came up here in this talk though? Why should MAF be happy for this? Since no MAF has the...
If MMX is just being clarified to work with B1 weapons, I guess that is nice. But that makes not much of a difference for Morats, doesn't it?...
Very unusual. Does that mean ignores cover bonus and armor? Is it a stack on MM2?
Sorry, confused. Marksmanship X is changing? What exactly will it do now?
Very Morat. I luv it! I will be very neat to take it instead of the HMG.
They both better get FA2 or some kind of better. I barely any used the Feuerback anyway except in Fireteams, and it already feels as if we're...
I would like better shooting over grenades. Fatality 1? Grenades are only sometimes useful, and we have lots already.
But Morats already have them. Daturazi and Krakot and Rodak and Yaogat and Zerats and Anyat?
A "all explosives" profile for Kurgats would be extra excitement. Drop Bears, Mines, D-Charges and Combi/LGL. A bomb for every purpose!
Ariadna by far and far. Not fun to play against at all. Real fun ruiner.
Holy wow these are very nice. The yellow and red and brown do so nice in couple.
We never play ITS. I think forum just makes it look like everyone does?
Kurgats really should have more explosives. A grenade launcher would be very good. Or a Mine Launcher!