I am! A friend picked up an awesome, (mostly) old SP collection for a great price, but decided he didn't want to play it and passed it on to me....
Hector with his Tinbot and Scylla with Charybdis. [IMG] [IMG]
Two more members for the team: Phoenix and Hector. [IMG] [IMG]
Yup, here she is: https://store.corvusbelli.com/en/wargames/infinity/miniatures/helen-troy
Steel Phalanx needs its own HVT of course, and it can't be less than stylish... [IMG]
He does look scary, large or small. :D Great work!
And here's the last mdoel for the month: Machaon, Myrmidon doctor. [IMG]
Thanks! Better than expected really (we played Supremacy). My list. My opponent was playing Foreign Company (going first), and Atalanta lost the...
I'm not exactly sure how she managed to get on my paint queue, seeing that I've already painted her once (the Defiance version), she's not even in...
Continuing with the Beyond Blackfire box, here's the Makhe Forward Observer. [IMG]
I just love the bikes in Infinity, and Penthesileas "old" version, might just have my favourite model. It looks so sleek! [IMG]
These two already saw action last night (asw ell as Atalanta), with my very game first with Steel Phalanx. [IMG]
Beautiful! I've always loved the pose of that model, and the head fits great.
I had a productive evening yesterday... [IMG]
And we continue down the chain of command with a Myrmidon with Spitfire. [IMG]
Yes, those are the official "Giraldez" base toppers by Customeeple. Available directly from them for example.
:D You know, I can't even remember that being a conscious decision at the time (It's been a while). I had to to get him on that base topper, and...
Alright, back to my Aleph/Steel Phalanx project, I've been procrastinating with other stuff for too long. Here's Eudoros from Beyond Blackwind......
Amazing work, kudos to your friend and to you!
Hassassin Govad mit HMG and breaker pistol. It's just a lovely model! [IMG]