I'm on a roll at the moment, good turnover on the weekend: here's Saladin, freshly resleeved in a new lhost. [IMG]
[IMG] Seed soldiers done, which means I have everything painted up for mission 2 of Defiance. Only a few minis left from my Core Pledge: 1...
Btw, to add one of my highlights, I really liked your depiction of Beckmann and her emotional damage. Her outbursts were appropriately frightening. :)
I like wordy and long-winded! ;) Thanks for that! The berets of the Fusilier was actually another thing that jumped out at me. "Who goes into a...
Hi Mark! Very nice to see you here and thanks for commenting. Congrulations on writing the very first novel of the Infinity universe and thank you...
Anybody read the Downfall novel yet? If yes, what did you think? I had fun, gave it 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon, and put in this little review:...
And the accompanying Jayth Cutthroats. [IMG]
All six Taigha creatures from the Defiance core box done, in prepaaration for mission 2! [IMG]
I've got a small collection of Tohaa lying around and painted her up as a stand-in for Vaarah Zaandar in our Defiance campaign: [IMG]
Thanks! At least it looks like it could actually transport Maggie. :D And this is my solution for the awkward space below the ship. The blast...
No, I left them as they are. Theoretically they can still be opened, but I didn't really paint the interior and don't intend to do it. If I ever...
Absolutely stunning, wonderful work!
Also very cheap, got it for only €10.
I finally finished my cheap plastic toy "Space Hawk" spaceship and can now use it in its intended role as a terrain piece of my desert/mars...