I did not spend that much money on mini then the FTE of month of work painting them to use which amount to more than a hundred mini as proxy. We...
Is it just me or does CB has a strong ability to fuck up its communication ? Seriously, some of the information we got through "informal" ways...
I just read the dreaded phrase "mix of new and old unit" in the box. Meaning, if I want to buy the new mini, I will need to rebuy some I already...
Question added to the unsolved list
Updated with new question regarding ARO for people hit by a template at the second ARO step
I'm surprised noone mentioned the TO Missile as an ARO piece. It's much more scarry than the sniper (template or AP, EXP). The Swiss and Hac-Tao...
@DaRedOne seems to give his opponent a choice between 2 bad options to his opponent : - choose to go first and let @DaRedOne play second and...
@Teslarod : first, I play with intent, so we play the same game The guy whos playstyle pushed me to try defense had also very good result in...
Still don't agree. Spending a command token to take 2 orders is a fair trade to me but I don't need it to make playing second a tactical advantage...
I always understood "it's not your list" as meaning there are no must have units (or never to take units) or pre-build list that win all games and...
The problem is here, not in the rules. If a player build a list on the yhpothesis he will win what is basicaly a coin toss, he deserve to be...
This is so not true As said above, depending on the mission, table, your list or even your own playstile, going second can be a huge advantage...
That does not work on 1 group list and this kind of list can now pack a lot of orders and firepower. Some example : - Achilles lieutenant in a 1...
Some feedback : I went to my tournament with a 3 TO AROer list, took it 4 game out of 5 and won 4 time with it (vs nomad, forco, dashat and...
I played Ariadna, Aleph, Nomads and Pano and Volunteer/Metro fill the same job in my ariadna list as S3/4 drone does for other armies : cheap...
Are the O12 drone March release ?
From a game point of view, Metro and Volunteers provide Vanilla Ariadna with the same cheap orders as other faction get with 8 points S3 and S4...
I have been away from the forum for quite some time, is it the general opinion hat this point is unsolved ?
You forgot one word : All of the TAGs Pilots from the Bootleg line In USAriadna, the discontinued product are : 7th Foxtrot Rangers "Newport"...
Once I read you, it sounded obvious. Yet I never thougt of it this way, thanks for the feedback Thanks @Ayadan and @barakiel for the feedback on...