One huge issue for me for plastic would be the environmental footprint. Based on experience with GW mini, plastic miniatures generate a lot of...
Two rolls vs BTS divided by two ? Cause we slightly defer from the examples in the wiki. The example in the wiki shows two ammo rolling against...
Zero visibility zone does not make you suffer a malus when dodging (emphasis on the "except dodge) : "Any Skill, Special Skill or piece of...
A trooper is an hidden deployement A friendly trooper in ZOC of his hidden spot is shot Can the hidden trooper use Alert ?...
Look out is breaking camo You are mixing 2 different ARO :
I'm pretty sure you can manage to put your Lt out of HD without loosing marker state (using alert) It's a bit trickier (than what was discussed... is missing one of the rulebook picture (the one detailing how cover work when on a roof, page...
A few more game played in N4 and I'm a bit surprised to not hear more about Malignos MSR I played Pano previously and used the croc man MSR the...
I just want to be sure : can Berserk now be used in ARO (to make 2 normal roll instead of face to face) In N3 it was yes But in N4, berserk...
Can someone confirm me how many breaches and turret we are supposed to have (with the free add-on added) ? I have 3 turrets and 4 breaches (with...
I have the issue with firefox on mac OS (same as what @Muad'dib showed) so I don't think Safari is the cause
I can access but it's insanely slow (minutes to go from the menu page to the army builder)
Quick question regarding the reinforcement pack : are they wave 2 or 1 ? I ordered a JSA pack but didn't get it in my wave 1 order
[ATTACH] Can we have an updated list of the core box content ? I counted the number of cards and it doesn't fit the picture above : i have 79...
Some resurrecting on this question : do we have a final answer ? For example I have a speculo in Imp state deployed I use a cmd token to put it...
I wasn't interested in buying the scenery set before seing this pic but now I'm thinking about it, at least so I have a cheap & nice looking...
I own roughly 1100 infinity models, it's tiny bit hard to remember everyone of them
Fewer than Joan, I agree But I only have 5 Mushahi (old version, the 2 current infinity version, chibi, aristeia sculpt). Do I miss one of them ?
So February Uxia will be Uxia number 5 ? Sweet, an Uxia core FT
@Koni : some mini are released in the next months (John Hawkwood, Uxia, Jayth...) that are in the defiance box Will it be the same sculpt as...