Option B "does he just put 5 camo tokens, and the other player as to figure out everything?" The only informatiosn you have to give to your...
Trooper A and B are in ZoC of each other, without LoF Trooper A declare spotlight on a Trooper B Trooper B answer with a comm attack who does...
Hsien profile looks quite nice on paper The marskman version looks like a nice offensive tool (and can be taken as a lieutenant as we have good...
My experience as a vanilla player : - cheap camo token is a good solution to block stairs/door : being in silhouette contact with a camo token is...
I'm playing a hacking heavy list right now : https://assets.corvusbelli.net/army/img/logo/factions/yu-jing.svgLigue 1 v02 - Blue wolf & tiger...
Fiddler is in base to base contact with a guilang Fiddler declare a WIP roll to perform Nanoespionage Guilang declare CC attack against Fiddler...
Thanks for the answer @Mahtamori, it helps me understand more of the tactical use of the su jian
I'm thinking of trying the Su Jian for my next tournament and I want to check the Transmutation (Auto) rule to be sure I understand it right...
I'm not sure I understand how dodge work now when use to engage against a moving enemy An enemy trooper start 2.5cm away from my ninja, declare...
Small addition : the FAQ seems to confirm that what matters is the action declared (here BS attack), not the action performed (here idle) : If...
A situation from our current tournament : 2 tanko and a dayokai declare a coordinated order First skill : move Second skill : bs attack the tanko...
Any idea what the collection packs are ? New sculpt or a bundle of old references ?
During my last tournament, I ended up shooting an unconscious cutter and my opponent told me his mimetism was still active I checked and it seems...
!!!Antenocitis workshop had a very nice range of resin product. They stopped producing it and are now selling the STL for most of it...
I have been thinking on how to use Krit on a vanilla list for some time. On the paper he look nice, even if a bit costly He is NCO, allowing him...
Same here. I even took time to count every small and big card (using the outcast/revenant manual lists) to be sure nothing was missing)...
Option 2 : specialist operative count as a specialist for all button pushing (activating console and so on) but it cannot performed classified...
I very rarely play first but if I do I have three goal : a) do some objectives and start scoring points. In many mission where you have to push...
First : remember my goal here is to play 100% the mission. If I see an opportunity for Nourkias to reach the enemy DZ and rambo : I will take it...
See toadchild quote of the FAQ above. Now monofilament provide one wound for protheion to eat