I'm painting my warcrow Kickstarter right now and I'm not sure of the faction of some characters, can someone help me ? Vercana -> Merchant...
If I'm thinking to move a miniature a certain way (but have not declared an order on it yet), can I check if the ways is large enough (half its...
I just watch the video and realized that the Sandtrap and Infinity Essential packs won't have the same scenery pack (with Essential having the Tag...
Question for those who already have the minis : are the base the same as the 30mm aristeia's bases ?
Do we have any idea of the magnet size we need to use for warcrow's base ?
The info of the number of models per unit should also be in the stats card or a PDF somewhere
This would mean 20 points for 4 models, which would explains how a 250 points could reach 20-25 models
I started reading the rules about availability and there is something I don't understand. The black legion bucklermen are AVA 3. Does that mean...
I have been looking at a few video and discovered a thing : the base units (like the buckler) have an AVA of more than one Do you think it could...
I brought my cyberpunk table to a tournament last week [ATTACH] I added a few vehicle (printed from old antenocitis STL) and 10 "civilians" (10...
The following situation happened in a tournament today : - player 1 (active) has 2 makhaul, A and B (not in the same fireteam) - player 2...
I like siocast, mostly because it make TAG light and easy to transport with magnet, but I hate how fragile it is I received my Lizard last week...
Army: 0-12 Troop: VIDOCQ Browser: firefox Description: VIDOCQ has no skill while VIDOC (reinf) has mimetism, NCO, stealth, Terrain (total) [ATTACH]
Thanks that's what I needed @Daireann : no missing parts but there is no hole on her back to show where the tail base is supposed to go
Does someone as a picture of the back of the chimera ? I'm building my new Bakunin Überfallkommando right now and I cannot figure where the tail...
I think it's not a mistake, @HellLois did not put any O-12 modification in the change log, only starmada:
We had a big tournament a month ago and I ended up playing my first list 5 time out of 5 with 5 wins. It was a team event (3 player per team)....
Yes But the classified objective list is not included
In previous version of ITS, the complete description of the classified objectives was included in the ITS pdf. It's not the case in the current...
I'm thinking of going Haqqislam for next season and have a simple question : how does the bashi deploy with holoechoes/parachutist ? 1) Without...