youre right, and ive adapted and overcome :)
I'm alright with this. If we see something like Haramaki -> Tanko then I think that will put MO back on the map as something I will want to play....
thanks for the kind words! Style is something I've been thinking about alot recently. Ive been painting for a long time - I think I started when I...
on the topic of terrible formatting and unreadable books - the painting pamphlet I got in my package along with my army painter order is like the...
I hate to say it, but i think you're in the small minority here man - if i were you i would just get a book magnifying glass, your eyes might be...
yeah, why not? yokai in a core is pretty good - he's really durable, has decent rangeband coverage and makes a pretty hard hitting assault piece...
yeah - "core" book is the fluff book. "rule book" is the rule book
I've been going through my core book - doesn't really look too unusual to me. only thing out of the ordinary or tougher to read are some of the...
we'll just have to agree to disagree - to me JSA is the "ride or die" - "fight with reckless abandon" - "kamikaze" faction - in both terms of...
yeah, i dunno, seems like having smart mines that acted in concert with a raging motorcycle vs smart mines that have to be patiently hurled into a...
speaking purely from a form-content point, I think there's a disconnect between the rules of crazy koalas now and army theme. a stationary...
JSA..... LT.... hiding in a building?? as a side note crazy koalas are so weird and out of theme with the army now - I have a feeling the only...
something about Konstantinos' only use is being a big lumbering fool is oddly fitting.
[ATTACH] sweet, cheap, and to the point. you can do alot with very little. I find that the aggressive haris link is where i place alot of my HI...
also FWIW shotguns lacking intuitive attack is intended and not a bug.
I'm really enjoying SWF at the moment - definitely the KArhu wildcard that opened alot of things up. gave their ARO game much more of a bite while...
they're definitely good - only problem is if MO has the means to support them. Then again he's also in Starmada, so if you really like the...
lol... I think id prefer a blister for them - id be happy to convert. A box of 3 multi rifles kind of rubs me the wrong way.....
I'm hoping we see a Varg box/blister soon. love those guys
hey man, nothing else has worked. why not let mike do it? what's the worst that can happen?