philly bites subs > hoagies sprinkles > jimmies taylor ham > pork roll
Big Boyg finished. not sure what to work on next. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I just want the socks :(
i would be appaled if they made any more locust or another Boyg. I expect one more nokken and a karhu blister i am hopeful for a varg box
I'm sorry, but i have very little faith that mo will actually become something i want to play at this point. we have very little reason to believe...
[ATTACH] rip
I was going to say, it doesn't look official, looks like it could sort of fit in universe though
i mean, i would still use the current kasym mini as one of the Z twins in haqq - after all one of them did kind of absorb his profile
I was theorizing that it could be like the 112 biker where they drop a mini and a new profile along with it
ahh, i see - and duroc... has too many? is one per leg or whatever enough? or is that too much?
you'll have to explain to me what a "dew" claw is
proportional changes are probably just due to the 28mm scale. a smaller figure means the parts that actually give the figure character, like the...
those O-12 minis and Mirage-5 look so good!
nice! looks great dude!
whatever you say. okay but none of this is being "exact" in the aspect that you're advocating for and are arguing against - and that's my point.
I'm confused as to how you would reasonably achieve this without having they type of conversation Alphz described. do you slowly slide the mini...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Locust is finished! (I know, a finished mini) you might get the impression here that I get...
I'm pretty much convinced at this point this person is a troll. telling others they're cheating by looking at the table, then likening that to...
i also think it's worth pointing out it's also an accessibility thing - I've played with someone who was disabled - poor eyesight and very shaky...
I mean, it makes sense - people enjoy the game both ways and it would be unwise for CB to put the kybash on one of those ways. that being said...