Psi cops are in a weird spot - they're placed in the MI section of the sectorial chart but are LI in Code One. Also with low AVA and wildcard in...
I think you're spot on with Nyokas being a medium infantry. Their linkability doesn't suggest much else. Raptors are more up in the air - it...
i don't understand how one can see this rule as "better" or "worse". it's just different. adapt and overcome. stop being a baby.
I really dont mind the Tac window default for tournaments - and tbh i really hope omitting it doesnt become popular. The game has to grow and...
I'm pretty optimistic for TAGs in this new edition - though a huge downside could be the now wide-spread regular hacking device
Hello everyone, allow me to theorycraft for a moment. I understand what i am about to post makes a number of assumptions on an edition change we...
man, 8 pages in 5 hours, this is the most active this site as been in a long, long time.
man, this reveal today is bittersweet imho. This sectorial looks really good - really really competitive, and that's awesome. at the same time, i...
a model? no maybe an acrylic cutout if we're lucky.
sort-of. we have nimbus and nimbus+
assuming it stays the same - which imho i think it will, mostly - probably just reworded for simpler understanding
Perhaps someone can correct me if im wrong, but msv1 vs smoke grenade will no longer be a face to face? since it doesn't block the shot? If so...
I'm surprised CB put "Hello Kitty" on that alguacile - apparently whoever makes that brand is highly litigious
that deus ex was pretty decent. anyone here make video games as a hobby? ive recently started and have been enjoying myself