I don't think I've seen anyone disagree that vanilla yu-jing is just crazy good. I guess there could be some debate about specifics. Like, I'd...
This here is one of the reason why it's often a good idea to take at least one engineer in your list if you want to play some HIs, as the engie...
There were a few asymetrical missions in the old campaign paradiso book as well. Those missions had some issues, but I don't recall the asymetry...
I'd go with 2 feuerbach, so you can use all 3 very effectively in coordinated orders. When you want something really, really dead.
An option in N4 is to use dodge to get into position without triggering an ARO. Not exactly order efficient, but far less risky than going for a...
Is it really that farfetched that I know you're not someone I'd enjoy discussing with, and yet still think you can contribute positively to the...
@wuji If your "- Eleanore Rosevelt" wasn't supposed to be insulting then I apologize, because I definitely felt it was the case.
Yeah it's obvious. But it doesn't change my point. The answer to your question are all over the place, but you need to actually care and look...
Glad to know you're enjoying this little bout more than I do :kissing_heart:
You're asking a question here, and I point you to a thread which asked pretty much the same one. And it's not that old, so I don't think you've...
Debating semantic is kinda pointless yeah. "It's a lot, and yet it wouldn't take much to improve it." , That's what I said. There are a...
You berated Triumph for misquoting you, and yet that's exactly what you're doing here. About ISS, I said it needed a slight rework, not a...
https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/why-do-you-like-yu-jing-a-low-sodium-thread.37690/ And it's not even that old.
And I doubt your proposed designed would be 20pts either (except maybe the SMG one), which is the point I was trying to make: It's too close to...
That's... that's a zuyong. That's litterally a zuyong stat-line, albeit the zuyong has some frills but nothing major.
Maybe let the monk with frenzy then? I kinda like the idea of monks going on a tactical zen rampage once they're warmed up. Though looking at...
On white banner identity and how it would translate gameplay wise, I'm still utterly convinced that one of the main attribute of "new yu-jing"...
Depends of so many factors: missions of course, the army you're playing mostly, and if the event is local you might have some knowledge of...
The main issue with 20 orders lists was not just the number of orders, but also the sheer resilience you get by spamming bodies. Also, spam of...
I like to think of the various yan huos as units who may not be the best at what they do, but they'll be at least adequate in most situations....