This only works if you assume that CB's design decision are perfect and they have some kind of omniscient knowledge of how to make the game...
It's like saying Pano isn't the TAG faction because it doesn't have access to the Avatar, the sphinx, or the marut. Yu-jing is the HI faction...
Multi sniper will still be as effective in ARO, especially in fireteams. Compared to a missile launcher you lose a lot of damages but have much...
I'd love to see the hac tao ML and the crane multi rifle girls make a comeback. The models are still really good (the crane even had her own...
White banner would already be a more interesting choice if kuang-shi and monks AVA were reduced in vanilla yu-jing (and to a lesser extent,...
On hacking, looking at the glimpse of N4 rules we've had so far I'm a bit worried. Considering they nerfed jammer and they buffed oblivion while...
@DaRedOne he said multi-model troopers, not multi wounds. So something like post-humans, puppets, anything g:synchronized, etc...
Ideally you'd want this kind of change to happen organically, but given the complexity of the issue enforcing the 15 troops limits is probably a...
Ko dali and adil fall deeply in love and fly away in the sunset to create their own NA2, calling it right now.
Consider that he has counterintellingence, and is available in ISS. While he is ridiculously bloated for a profile that will most likely never see...
@Armihaul Should we really care about those claims if they're wrong from the get go? Even I, as someone who absolutely despise the fake-HI...
jump abuse yeah, when people use fall damage to suicide their models for classified/get in retreat ASAP.
@Azuset You just kill everything with your Wu-ming HMG and rui-shi, the chain rifle dudes are corner guards and cheap filler. The idea...
Most success I've had with my wu-ming was playing something like this:
ATTENTION: Use of this Special Ammunition is prohibited by the Concilium Convention. Violators shall be prosecuted by international courts. Joke...
Non-kamikaze, regular and accurate smoke is pretty valuable. If I don't play the Crane + henchmens fireteam, I often link my handler with 2...
Nah, for most melee fighters current MA3 is where it's at, and new MA4 is just that but on steroids. Just in case, I've checked on the dice...