I found some batreps, with Starmada, Kosmoflot, Starco and so on. Some nomads as well, just from the other guys perspective and I couldn't find...
Didn't find any, but he/she is playing almost everything. Maybe he/she is just a good player?
Don't people have two lists today? Did it win the tournament? Did they always win? Is is skewing the meta? I'm just asking. Maybe i wanna abuse...
More important: Did it win?
Funny. So you say Guided Missile Links are fine. Only when combined with Jazz it's a problem? I think I am not the one missing the point...
Is "Guided Missles Link" the new meta? Is everyone using it these days? Then maybe this is the problem? Not a single Hacker? And if not and only...
And .... Valerya does the same? Only because you "think" you could win the Nomads Infowar when talking Valerya doesn't mean that's the case. But...
and this is no problem, because ... Nomads always dominated hacking.
What has Jazz to do with Guided Missle Fireteam Boni? Valerya has a Pitcher as well, as does Mary (only in Vanilla though, cause you are talking...
Only if you are hackable. That's the difference. An HI or TAG can kill every unit on the table, Jazz only the hackable ones Guided Missiles ......
I never said anything like this. If Corregidor is so uber-optimized as you say, why doesn't win it every game then? And no, I don't believe Nomads...
I would not try to defend B6 ... heck, CB does not even sell 6 dice in a pack ... And yes, it's okay for Nomads to have optimized Skirmishers,...
Hmm ... a Nomads hacker is "too good" at hacking. It's like saying a PanO HI ist too good at shooting. Get over it, Nomads has good hackers....
Personal taste is a funny thing. I am almost contrary to your position. I think the Karhu looks pretty boring and just like another Vargar. On...
Now this may be a stupid question, but after having searched for half an hour ... where do I find the web version of the new fireteams? I only...
If you ask me, it's a trap. We tried to, used heavy meta-gaming and managed to pull it off (though because of the CB-like rules, I am not sure, if...
To be honest, my first thought was that it shares some design element with the Night Hawk. Which is no bad thing IMO.
Yes, give it a try. Maybe you enjoy it. Obviously others are having a great time with it, although I suppose something is played wrong then ......
https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/review-and-remarks-on-defiance-gameplay.40455/ I can't sum it up any better than that. And since then we...
Judging from the render, I'd say you can paint her with a very deep cleavage ...