This is pretty easy to answer: Assuming, everyone gets cheaper or better profile for the same cost. Then suddenly, when playing a 300-points game...
Before the Grenzcats-Leak? I assumed they would be 1W+NWI MI/HI to close the "gap" between Wildcats and Brigada. Right now? The same or ... a...
While I really like and enjoy your Studio Updates, I am scared what might be revealed ...
The Link options aren't published yet. It was just an assumption from my side while being frustrated that Wildcats became Grenzer variants....
Where is the smiley with the rolling eyes? You really stopped reading after "removed"? And I would go as far as to say that Wildcats got removed...
That's what I wrote. ... delayed. But after the new "Wildcats"-Profile I am not sure we will recognize the Bolts as Bolts when they reappear ......
They are just removing the Bolt-type units. Bolts itself are removed/delayed and noone knows how they will come out and Wildcats, who were...
They had their niche. It was the one of the cheap BS13-Trooper. They only needed 4-4 movement and either a small buff or a small points reduction....
Sure, you can try to sugarcoat the profile-switch. But if I look at the pickrate on profile level, the Grenzer profiles used are the ones,...
Yes, you are right. If I see it positive, it seems they looked at the profiles more thoroughly than I thought. So, not only translating them to N4...
But, but ... I already own the only profile that will sometimes be used ... No, seriously. That's a move beyond my comprehension. Even the...
You could end the speculation by telling us this is a fake. Or not. And if it's no fake than the unit hasn't changed. It's just that Wildcats are...
So this really is the new profile? Really? Like in really really? They switched Grenzers to Corregidor? Shouldn't this be posted in the "W tee...
If this is the real profile, then it looks like they copied the Grenzer Profile to Corregidor. Doesn't make sense for me. It's almost a 100%-copy...
Yes, me too. Because right now I don't see, how CB will make Close Combat work when every shotgun is a DTW as well. No FtF means its suicide to go...