They are held back by paying for a piece of useless kit. Biometric visor just doesn't work well with it's current rules. People are annoyed...
And the design parameters for a unit can just be bad. Look at the Lobo... Saying a unit isn't bad because it's hobbled by some design philosophy...
Let's be honest, CB puts out a ton of poor profiles. A reasonably large proportion of any unit profiles they make just go relatively unused, and...
Pitchers are fine. Spotlight is fine. Guided is borked. It's a low cost, low risk, high reward setup and one of these things needs to change....
I'm going to be honest. Nothing about that list scares me. It's going to have to run face first into a lot of things before it can even start...
I doubt there will be reworks when they can release new stuff instead. They need to sell miniatures to pay the bills and don't have new rules to...
HAha, my wife would agree! As soon as they got adjusted in N4 I went out and picked up enough remaining to fill out my AVA with either...
The question is, does having to rely on that method make them less competitive compared to other factions? If it does, then the faction needs...
I have 3 of each, I just need to figure out how to field 3 at a time and have it work! Thank you. It's my favorite army, QK being a close...
I'm way less interested if this ends up being more of a board game than a miniature wargame.
I still have no idea why CB is so resistant to making dual configuration kits. SWC boxes are great, unless you want some models with the unit's...
Boyg, Vargar, Locust, most of the named characters, the link composition isn't bad, but you aren't competing with pure cores. At least that's my...
You aren't going to like the new fluff in Raveneye then.
SVF has some issues with certain troops being...not good. But it can also crutch on the amazing Karhu. The issue is that having to crutch on...
Having things that excel in different areas doesn't mean they aren't balanced... Balanced means that while things may win by different means,...
For sure, but the game has been moving away from narrative structure and more toward tournament play for a long time. We no longer have the...
I wrote out a post, but it got heated fast. Let me just say this is one of the stupidest justifications I have ever heard for units to still carry...
Maybe, but just because CB designs something with specific intent doesn't make it good design.
It's not just Jazz either, any faction that can put out a wide hacking net and hide behind a Tinbot is going to end up as a top tier hacking...
I'm very curious about your table layouts and meta tbh. I think we should have more sharing of those kinds of things in general. It would help to...