The problem with this is that it shouldn't take a complete rework and new sectorial release for CB to work on factions. There should be work put...
GW does quarterly balance updates, bi annual game updates, and puts out new units and stuff as they go. I dont even like them but they make an...
Alright, they have been done a while now but I failed to post them. My Djan team. [IMG] And my HI 2 of 6 Azra'il [IMG] Janissary team, HMG...
Ah, if we're not counting transitions or fireteam updates then even longer! Huzzah!
Bakunin has been good since Riot Grrls and Chimera. I don't think anyone thought they had no winning units. However there are some that severely...
100% agreed. CB is really bad about updating things across the board. It's you either have new models to sell and you get update after update, or...
Wow it's been a while, they are done, I will get some pics tonight. Currently working on updating my Nomads with new bases and finishing off...
First page of the Infinity Army Updates and Bugs thread.
@Koni @HellLois Is there any chance that some of these older factions will get reviewed for points/profile/fireteam adjustments outside of a...
Because they only communicate for new releases. That's it. At least GW has a quarterly balance review, updates, etc. CB badly needs community...
They still need to communicate via their official site, FB, Discord, or something. The forums are rough, but the Discord and FB Groups don't see...
I hope it's taken seriously. This is something CB has really lacked in for a long time.
He and I have this argument all the time. I don't think it's so much Nomads as much as he plays OCF and USARF, and neither one has gotten any help...
But how can a faction be better at shooting if they have 1 less BS? HOW!? /s
Correct, that's why the question is "Does this unit consistently make this faction win and how does that reflect on the faction?" Then you adjust...
Maybe, I think the more important thing is was it showing up as a consistently winning item.