Speedball is just bad. It's a mechanic that clearly wasn't thought out or tested. As is you will always use it, and depending on your Alpha being...
Army: All Troop: All Browser used & OS | App version and mobile OS: Windows 10, Chrome; Android 15 Description of the bug: Army does not seem to...
Saving lists on web version does not seem to cross over to app. Creating lists in app and saving does show on web version.
Army: QK, Haqqislam Troop: Azra'il Browser: All Description: AP Spitfire profile that you just released a mini for is missing
QK refresh please, give me my CQC Azra'ils with spitfire and shotgun options! Fix my over priced medium infantry! I'll be happy if we exist on...
I hope the remove ammo types and the massive discount on SMGs, and have points changes for profiles between army lists. A Riotgrrl in vanilla is...
It takes way more effort to make a new in pose, ensure there's no of clipping issue, and figure out the best way to cut it up and cast it. It's...
I guess? None of this really affects other wargames. Use the terrain you have available. As far as how interesting it can be. Having water...
It's pretty good for the most part. Hacking and guided missiles being the biggest issues. Well, besides miscast siocast. That said it's also...
And neither is the circle of terrain.
You lay down irregular materials to block out zones of whatever type before placing buildings, you put in forests/gardens/rocky outcroppings/water...
GW plastics are done in the UK. I would also take a good material made in China over a poor material made in Spain.
The point is that they released a substandard product, continue to do it, all while saying "it'll get better, trust us". They should have just...
TBH, the circular terrain rules do suck, and outside of ITS events we ignore them entirely because they add nothing of value and don't even make...
That is also true, this one just seems to be negatives other than cost. You can see the soft details and weird textures in that photo. It's just a...
Correct, which means the method/material/design are not matching up well.
It's a no brainer. CBs quality of Siocast is a joke. Not only is the quality poor but they can't design it for shit. Look where this gate is....
It's vanilla, it's just the most basic form of a thing. It's just the baseline. I suppose we could just call it the "Cherry Picker's List" because...
Vanilla should be the same as a sectorial if it exists. It needs to have meaningfully lower AVA of of units, especially specialist troops. In...
Remove Vanilla or drastically cut down what can be taken in them. Remove 6th Sense Active balance maintenance Remove profiles that are...