It's still fucking going on! [spoiler]
Wait what? Fiddler is ITS-pack mini?
Hafza works for free. Even if you don't take him the opponent has to plan for any S2 model having HRL ARO out of the blue.
I doubt they meant unfucking the new Haqq design, so the only positive thing I can imagine is the Shakush.
No shit Captain Obvious, he can't paint any more because he's dead, that's why it's his last miniature :D
May I draw your attention to the conspicuous lack of a Druze MSR model? That's where Jethro fits in, he's the official designated proxy.
Inb4 people start screaming that containment threads are oppression and how it is their sacred duty to shitpost about it everywhere, regardless of...
>not painting the armor in heraldic livery
Inb4 someone whips out his dick and calls it a proxy.
Old Wallace is classic, old Clockmaker is classic, I like gen2 Daktari a lot, the new Nomad specialists are meh, the Zondbots are meh in general,...
Something something jackbot stomping on a face forever
Wait, what? HB? I thought Fiddler was supposed to be a Nomad unit.
And it seems I'll have to buy Wallace and the Nomad support pack. [spoiler]
Covid-19 is long gone in the Infinity setting. Covid-199, however...
I made a mockup and I'm so stealing that idea. So elegant in its simplicity.
Oh goodie, thanks for testing my Hassassin color scheme for me :)
"Ariadna deserved the 15 order limit"
You should really remember to take your pennant with you.
Did you miss a huge thread about exactly that back in the day or something? ed: found it....
IIRC it's because they received actual threats against their company for misusing the name/symbol of Allah?