If I ever play this crap, I'm just gonna use Aristeia Jackbots from Customeeple.
>supply lines broken >fuel is scarce and precious >only makeshift weapons due to stringent gun control laws >pro truck driver I hope you guys...
Shit, better get them before they're replaced with more cookie cutter designs.
What, like a Kerail riding a beast? Still more likely to have all-terrain capability than JSA bikes.
I don't understand it. It looks like a desperate ploy to push motorcycle models. At least with the TAG season had an excuse that TAGs needed a...
The old Interventor model is pretty small, it should donate just fine.
Pics of the old ones? If you mean TheFatDamien, I was only aware of the new-style conversions.
Nah, Magno was the one who filmed throwing his old Kums into the bin after seeing new ones. The all-Kum-army dude was basing his on new ones from...
Yes I did! Is Red Fury actually included as a separate part in the box, or is it just in the profile?
Late as hell, but I'm still gonna necro just to say how much I appreciate that name for the chickenbots. *Nasheed de Chocobo intensifies*
The fcucking what now? New drones have a RF attachment?
Thank you Captain Obvious.
In that case you should get your information from the future.
I have a pic of my disassembled Marut laid out so the parts are where they should go. I'll look for it later. Be warned, the Marut is a huge...
The freaking what now? If they actually include a big soft d20 I can mangle and throw at people and if your username correctly suggests your...
To your question, a question: is it ethical to release those minis as limited editions only, especially in cases when they're the only minis in...
Take a paws and cool off.
You mean you wanted the Paranoid pose? :D Seriously though, I'd like to see a 360V model with an augmentation like GitS bodyguards, where a slice...