Tunguska profiles mention: Core,...
Hi guys, The sectorial seems awesome: big weaknesses and big rewards. ATM I'm kinda struggling at creating Army Lists, but I would love to see...
So... the French surrendered? ;) Good decision CB. It takes guts to remove obstacles on the way to a brighter future.
Probably and hopefully we'll just get Raoul.
Switching the topic for a sec: When will we get Tunguska in Infinity Army? Models arrive around the third week usually, what about the profiles?...
I prefer Nomads without Chain of Command. We're not a proper militairy force and it should be represented in the rules. That's why only...
I dunno, what's the point of adding a Securitate hacker when we already have an Interventor with their cheap cost and options.
I hope the repeater is only on one profile, and I doubt that it's on all like it used to be. To expensive and more than 1 is redundant in a link...
I would not play against such a player. Bearing in mind that there are no rolls for jumping in landing CB should prevent suicides unless POS tag.
Best starter released so far! The sculptors really outdid themselves. <3 the Hollowman.
Use diversion. Nobody expects a Securitate LT! And nobody will send a Speculo after it :joy:
Szalamandra, Kriza Borat (yakshemash?) ;), Interventors, Grenzers. Tunguska is going to be the most beautiful sectorial. I honestly can't wait for...
Same here, cannot stay logged in :(
On the other hand the Line Infantry SWC in never far behind a starter set.
No idea. I'll use Beba from Outrage in the meantime. BadASS model ;)
Well Ghazis have Jammers on their dossiers and Hecklers don't so I wouldn't count on it. [IMG] [IMG]
Have you followed Games Workshop for the last 15 years or so? ;) EA and what they did to Bioware also comes to mind.
TL:DR :laughing: just joking. Thank you for the well written reply. While I agree that taking sth away hurts three more times and giving sth in...
How would you handle it then? I'm really curious @BenMoss
Bostria showed the metrics from the last two years for Vanilla YJ. The metrics were as follows: - Zhanshis are the most used troop profile with...