Colbrook: 1) 250 points looks to be closer to 15-20 minis, Winds of the North is ~100 points per side. I checked the cards available in the Press...
Hey guys! I've read the rules that are already available online. Overall It seems like a great start for the wargame and congratulations to...
Hey guys :) Just wondering what is the latest state of rumours. We are in the middle of the corregidor revamp and even received new Morans (who...
So based on recent rumours - no more expansions :( only evens and new skins. I hope this does not mean "failed project". No idea what the sales...
Also bought the Prime Time. Top Notch quality (even the box!) as always from CB. It's a damn great game and my gf keeps asking me to play it, and...
Thanks guys for the replies. It seems unlikely, though I still hope one of the following will happen: 1. JSA will get 1-3 more models/profiles...
Hey guys, I was just wondering. JSA seems to be the most relavant and popular army in NA2, that seems to have a larger player base than the rest...
IIRC today we are supposed to get the Army update concerning 0-12. When can we expect it to land?
What do you guys think of Tsyklons in a Alguacile link? For instance: - 3 Alg + Tsyklon + MB - 3 Alg + 2 Tsyklons How to set it up and is it...
Great production quality on that battle report! Cheers CB once again :]
Thanks guys. I'll steal the idea na buy it ASAP. The Jigabachi looks great for terrain as well.
Where, where did you get that Tachikoma?!? It's adorable!
I play for several years with Nomads and Tohaa and the last year JSA as well. IMO JSA is hard mode, with the best pieces being glass cannons or...
I presume the Securitate FB will come in with the Grenzers box = 3x Grenzer + Securitate FB. For example: - Securitate FB - Grenzer Hacker -...
Simply fantastic! I love the design. Feels really high techy-techy.
I fully agree. Green bases bring up my memories from 5th edition WFB ;) A time, where nobody could paint :D Nice progress, try switching the...
For a second Ryuken 9 I simply used Asuka. I've put and extra leg from a Lunokhod that I have (due to a mispack) to have her stand on it and she...
The only thing I would love to see in JSA would be some of the newer rules, like CoutnerIntelligence, NCO, or Tacticals Awareness. We have other...
It also provides the AVA1 Kaizoku Spec-ops. Was it a limited edition only? Ryuken are Ava 3 and ppl regularly field multiples, buying additional...
Guys, since we got a new Kaizoku Spec-ops incoming, maybe there is a chance we will get a Ryuken-9 blister as well? What do you think?