God I hate the way the rules present like that. I get that the wiki is limited, but there has to be a better way to show interconnected skills and...
Answer 2 looks to be correct given some of the rulings/consensus about marker states here on the forums (i.e. that using the skill is not...
That's HR
The real Turing test
Two advantages of pledging a token instead of waiting is that you get access to comment as well as all the backer update emails which makes it...
His full load out gives you some interesting options though with those MultiPistols and the Mono. Given that SoF is a fun option that breaks...
But he is only available to ForCo.
Lt Merc would be an odd situation. I'm betting he lands in OperationS based off the fluff they posted.
I'm sure you mean except for Emily and Uahu
Do you have a preferred Triad breakdown or keep it adaptable to the situation?
Enough similarities to my beloved Dasyu that I'm sure to take them on the regular
I'm guessing they are the ones that came with the Rasail team. I don't have them on hand right now to double check though. Probably a bit of all...
After debating Tohaa when I first started playing over 3 years ago, picking up a swath of them second hand, then selling those without ever...
Tohaa apparently has a Special Fireteams listed for the Vanilla army. As does Yu JIng. Good to know as I just had a box of Tohaa stuff delivered...
Pretty sure those are all ones that are granted by the Army list for Spiral Corps. In Vanilla Tohaa you still have the restriction due to lacking...
A quick note on that. They only circumnavigate part of the restriction. No special Duos (Achilles + Pat for example) in vanilla as there is no...
One reason would be cost. 4 points less can make or break a list