If you declare Short Order Move and BS Attack, do you have to distribute your burst from a single point of your movement, or any shot of your...
Yes! Why? To destroy the flavour? JSA Ninjas should have at least one profile with smoke. The Bow needs a buff. The Daiyokai needs a buff (maybe...
I don't think there is a general consensus that crits should be changed. The people that think it's fine the way it is just don't say so whenever...
Sure, the usual cube can not output data to the brain, but a sepsitorized one can. (Still there has to be a read mechanic, as you can not...
But that's not the way it works: You seem to think of that too much in ways of (classical) computer data. But a brain works and stores data...
Well, a purely "write-only" backup is not worth much. And in the brain/with memories, there is no distinction between data/files and file names....
The point is that the brain does not work "write-only", as every act of remembering/recalling something alters that memory, as you "re-live" the...
It's just people. In that Tohaa are not too different from Humans: First of all they care for their own people, and some don't mind to leave some...
I tried to name the factions with different goals. The Trident's goals are the same as the Trinomial's. But you are right, the Trinomial has...
Well, there is the Trigon, so not all of CA's Tohaas (Sygmaa Trihedron) think it is okay - they are kind of a resistance. And a Sepsitor is like...
Give Fatality Lvl2 to SinEaters (Lvl1 does nothing to them, really) without increasing the costs. And Ghost: Jumper Level Z would fit the fluff...
The Tohaa Triumvirate, so rather 'Spiral' than 'Tohaa'. Sygmaa Trihedron: Tohaa that are now part of the CA Trigon: Part of the Sygmaa Trihedron...
That's what I meant with the IE not being interested in humanity. Well, I don't think it see's ALEPH as a rival, but maybe another (lesser) AI...