Everyone knows it's not about the size, it's about how you use it ;3
I might have an ever-so-slight... affection... for massed armor and limited insertion lists... soooooooooooo......
I'll take that into account, thanks man! Oh, I did consider NA2. Gotta say, it is tempting to play with the living JANK-ness that is the Druze,...
A bit of both, honestly. I like the look of the new JSA, for example, but I just can't get into the faction for whatever reason. I like gunning...
Lol, I do love the Haqq community, but our local Infinity community is really small and we already have 2 Haqq players. I'm a Californian so I...
Dunno where to post this, but figured this was the best place since there were slightly similar threads. So, since I think I'm getting a job and,...
And what happens if it doesn't work!? Do you really think this is worth the RISK!?
Yeah. A caliban CoC is a good option if you're really afraid of going into LoL, but I usually find an engineer is more than enough to prevent it,...
I can definitely appreciate the balls deep approach and, as you said, USUALLY if your Avatar is taken down things have gone tits up anyways....
The Nox SMG hacker is only available to SEF. In Vanilla CA he only can take the combi which brings him to 22 points, in line with the Vanguard.
You... You madman... I love it. Realistically it's probably not happening, but I'm definitely excited to see what he will bring to the table!
Daedalus Gate has fallen and we've been buffed. I love the smell of new units in the morning. Done with my DF updates :D
Finally done! I've attached a batrep so the thread is complete, but I'll definitely play more Avatar games and post them up here in the future!...
Also, is this a glitch? We get Grief Operators in Onyx AND Vanilla???
Sheskiin has 2 wounds and now has Fatality level 2. I... need a moment.
Gameplay guidance done! I'm not sure if I'm 100% satisfied with them, so please give me some advice if you can. Next, I'll analyze a batrep or...
I'll throw those in and update things when everything comes out officially in army builder :D
Added in my recommended listbuilding advice! Next, guidelines for when you bring the battle to the table!
Gotcha. I'll make sure to split those up and quote your advice when I start writing the gameplay recommendations section :D Thanks a bunch for...
Added the What's an Avatar?, What Makes an Avatar List?, Pros, and Cons sections :D I'll add more either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. Gonna get...