@Splod Thanks mate!, I love the original scheme, I've just added my touch. Double posting today (as I've posted it on the Conversion thread); a...
Another conversion for my Druze group: Mr. Saito Togan. The original pose is somewhat weird, so I used the shikami, with that badass look as base...
Just a quick but fun conversion on an auxbot; some filing on the sphere and a touch of putty to add the tire texture, some aerials work... and...
@Golem2God Thanks Golem, I'm putting a lot of effort on them. Luckily is a small sectorial:grin: @Scrap square I highlighted the bases with...
As I promised, here is the HMG Druze. I changed her MG a bit, because some CB weapons don't seems what it should be, so I added the bipod which...
More dronbot conversions around here. I didn't like CB weapons so I gave them more dakka... Flames of War 40mm rockets from a Stuka zu fuss for...
Hi guys!, I've recently started a Druze Bayram Security force because of the miniatures, so I'm trying to do my best at painting them. Also I'm...
Hello guys, lot of inspiration and talent around this post, I've been looking this even after the faction threads so I've decided to write my...