Of course mate! I think I'm going to dive into my bits box for a while...
I've been working on this TAG now and then, and finally I think I can show him. My Scarface conversion. Weapon swap, modified arm position,...
So, summer is over and I'm painting again. I've had the brawlers box laying around this months, so I decided to give them some paint. Here are the...
Access to more generic mercs: Mcmurrough, yuan yuan, Yojimbo, Father Sforza, Krakot renegades...
Thanks. Indeed she's a bit smaller than the new minis, but fix well with them. Of course you can steal the idea, I'll be proud of it:+1:
After some months I've finally found some time to keep up with my druze, so here is some advance. I bought the Scarface and Cordelia box time ago...
Yo tambien ando dandole vueltas a esta compañia, me gusta pero veo un poco flojos los enlaces. Tiene cosas puntuales buenas, pero no termino de...
Well is quite a long time without posting but... this is not the excuses thread so let's see what I've been doing. At last I've started with the...
Curiosas listas, yo no suelo meter tantos drusos, pero es cierto que a IL tienes que meter la elite del sectorial. Ya contarás que tal.
Yo tambien veo un puño. Coincido en que no parece nada un druso de Bli 3, ademas la armadura de las piernas no es como la de los drusos, creo que...
El papel de un hunzakut y de un bashi no tiene nada que ver, pueden ir ambos en la misma lista. Depende un poco de la mision, de como lo quieras...
Hi guys, I've updated my Druze post with my converted version of Armand Le Muet. But this is the Conversion thread so here it is as well: [img] [img]
Thanks mate, I also like how the rifle turned out, a bit of contrast with the dark clothes. As for the mini itself, I think it's a good mini, nice...
Well well, long time since my last post. Lot of gaming and no time to paint so it's a good excuse I think. Here's my version of Mr. Le Muet, a...
Muy buenas conversiones, yo tambien estoy harto de proxearlos pero no creo que me meta en semejante faena. Enhorabuena
That yellow looks really good. Maybe the OSL is too intense, try to thin the paint to smooth the effect.
Pues por lo que se ha visto hasta ahora no hay nada nuevo para drusos no?. Una pena, yo espero que algun perfil nuevo caiga
Que gusto da ver una colección tan bien pintada, enhorabuena, que sus horas te habrá costado:ok_hand: ¿Que receta utilizas para los negros?, el...
Another girl in the group, this time is the hunzakut with GL from Haqqislam. I get inspired by those YPJ fighters and tried to paint a marpat...
One more update and one more mini (I'm definitelly not a speed painter), one I'm specially proud of, not just for the mini itself but for being...