Enjoy! Mine still say the dreaded "Awaiting Fulfillment" as their status.
For sheer fun, I'd try this. https://assets.infinitythegame.net/infinityarmy/img/logos/logo_908.svg Dahshat Company...
Gah. [img]
You trying to make me cry?
@Mahtamori I'd be fine with the Hulang being Irregular, given full 2W, Smoke or Hyperdynamics, and another profile with either a Red Fury or Light...
To me it represents cheaper/easier to manufacture tech that works just like it's competitor as a cost effective measure and time saver. I hate...
True, but not all factions are treated equally. Shang Ji has nothing to lose anyways, might as well tack on some skills to bring things in line....
Why don't they make Zuyong like the rest of the specialized Invincibles and make them have 1.5 wounds with Shock Immunity and V:NWI? Shang Hi...
Her model (Aristeia version in metal).
Smokes that is fast. Gamenerdz most likely will have it to me by September haha
Oooo. Yeah, I like this. MI need their identity back. They're supposed to not be as limber as HI and lack maybe the ability to carry crazy...
Reminds me of the old Maghariba and the bracers ability where you could pull two models with you.
Quite the madlad. Now show the Red Fury.
Armor truly is the red headed step child of Infinity. It's not useful, but has a lot of potential. Just need to change how some rules interact...
I posted the overrun rule.
Exactly, Hacking in a setting like Infinity should be like fracking space magic/the Force (maybe a bit too much hyperbole). Not some special size...
Double post.
hastilyPhotoshoppedGuilangHeadOnThanos.jpeg Guilang: "You're not the only one cursed with such great profiles."