I could see that, luckily I have all the models to try something like that out. How do we go about getting more CR Regulars? I find I always need...
That's something I thought I'd never live to see. People taking Raks now. [ATTACH]
Anyone got any good Tikbalang lists that utilize almost two full CGs? I was able to get to 10/6 but had to use a lot of REMs....
Mine should be here tomorrow too! Initial estimates had it by Friday, but somehow it's now the 17th.
I am sorry, my brother.
My thoughts exactly. Oh well. You'd think with the wait they would have cut us some slack. Damn.
Same, don't know why they just couldn't go straight with USPS.
Well, my Speculo Killer that I ordered from a Spanish seller on eBay arrived yesterday. Gamenerdz says still awaiting fulfillment and my MoE Games...
I'll second Golem, I bought a cheap set from Harbor Freight (US cheap tool supply store) and had no idea if I'd ever use them for anything. Then,...
Woohoo! Was wondering if they were ever gonna say anything. Damn!
I mean, we could argue all day how good SMGs and EMP mines are... Especially with a second wound. (Nervous laughter) [ATTACH]
So, is Gamenerdz good enough? ;D
Sometimes the worst lies make for the most heartbreaking truths.
Same. Gamenerdz says awaiting fulfillment. No activity since July 24th for me.
Do people really take this many weapons? Not saying anything against you, but if feel dirty if I take a double from any of the holy Trinity...
The box is for Dashat.
And yet, no-one takes them when the cheaper Blackjack exists or in TAK with the V.Kazak running around. And that's your opinion, man. They have a...
I swear by Scale 75. They made me a believer.