Well the few Shasvastti models I have are all still in play, gaki for Taigha, Morat Vanguard for Nox, Suryat for Gwailo, Makaul for Cutthroats and...
People are going to hate us for dazers, but they are REALLLLLY going hate us for our dazers in Biotechvor lol
Well Bostria said my army is their number one concern so all Shasvastii of course.
I just hate that we will have to wait till September.
I was going off a FB post yesterday but you are right, I read it wrong.
FA2 goes off on a dice roll of a 1 not a result per IJW.
Like you can ever have enough models :)
In the Shasvastii video he said the full line is being redone.
Na you can start the Speculo right next to their ARO machine and pop smoke so he can go to town. No one can touch him.
Albedo MSV2 HRL shooting through smoke..... yeah I will use that.
I could see Seed-Soldiers being cheaper since starting as a seed is a disadvantage. .
What do you think they are going to do with the Seed-Soldiers? i'm hoping they will be cheaper than NOX since they start as a seed.
I would like to see a killer that is a specialist. FO or Hacker
I don't think they will burrow at all. I think it will be inferior infiltration and some type of camo.
I don't think it will change much, it's only going to effect max 4 orders out of 3 rounds just like it did before. Tohaa will still be just as...
But the Shasvastii think HI are stupid and a crutch of inferior species. I could see it being MI with HI stats.
I could see it still being Shass vs Tohaa if they were wanting to a large number of their models on the market at once then make them wait 2 more...
Is there an Org chart for Spiral yet? I haven't been able to find one.
Hmmm Antipodes evolved to exalted species.