September is also when the new bases come out for sale.
I can't wait till the rules for N4 comes out and everyone explodes because none of this wish listing is in it.
They look smaller than S2 but I think still a bit bigger than S1.
I think the core rules are fine and don't need any changes. I would like to see nested skills go away and just list what they have. The main...
Tags need to have the bulldoze rule back. I don't know why I'm stopping for that S2...stomp stomp.
Now I am thinking I need to get 2 people to split boxes with. I also think the Mentor would make a good Malignos since it's going to be a camo...
Try running the Chanrontid as the Lt. version, it gives him an extra order to spend and G:Mnemonica so you won't have to worry about loosing your...
It was the "Rule of Cool" for me, the Anathematics was just so bad-ass looking I knew my faction right away. It's also how I became Santathematics...
Hard to tell their size but do they look humanoid to you? I hope they aren't.
I haven't seen any BW art anywhere, only the color concept designs.
If you deploy you Speculo just outside the enimy deployment zone can you put the mine in the deployment zone?
It didn't affect wildcards, they can still join any fireteam they just aren't the founding member.
If you do the Jayth pit patrol are they still R/IR or just regular order? Does G:sync change them like being in a fire team?
I think that elephant-ually it will slow down.
Ya'll are dog gone crazy.
I don't mark the full arch I just put arrows that point towards the direction they are facing.
Go watch "I am Mother" on Netflix :)
The Bureau Noir is probably what the Defiance crew is.
I could see a box of 4 being put out and then 4 alt sculpts being in the Kickstarter.
Those aren't Merc's they are hostile factions or terrorist groups. Mercenary Company's are like Academi, Executive Outcomes, Sandline...