Gah! I knew it! We're being deleted! Noooooooooooooooooo!!! *breaths deeply* Anyway, a new expansion is a possibility. Or... maybe CB is already...
Hm. So, seriously, where's the ALEPH fluff? This is worrying.
Please explain this to me. There's going to be a second book in November, with the fluff for the rest of the factions?
Hmmmm... Another crazy idea... How about waiting until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out in November and using the character creator to design a real...
Having looked through the book, I can see no profiles at all! Aside from the backgrounds, of course... You know what else isn't there! Chapters...
And here it is! An early photo of N4 in its natural enviroment, frollicking happily among miniatures... [ATTACH]
I have a confirmation that my N4 package has been sent out from the store... It should be here tomorrow!
I don't know about the preorders made directly at CB, but I got the notification that the shop I buy at has sent (or is ready to send) the package...
Restrictions..? Please tell me. I was hoping to get that female Ye Mao...
Ah! I don't know... Maybe I'll simply go with Oktavia Absolutelynotshasvastiidottir. She's cute...
Now, that's more like it! :)
Really? I didn't know that... Oh wow. This is seriously impressive work, gore or not. :flushed: :+1: And if we're speaking about troublesome...
Really? I thought that "aggressive" on the Internet means making posts like "OMG, CB released two disgusting and morally indefensible minis! I...
I actually looked into that link, but I missed these Cheerkiller-related bits! :open_mouth: Heh. 1990s and the early days of Image Comics...
Drat. I'm considering buying Aida, but I'd like to avoid a situation I have with Valkyrie, when I bought the limited version - and then, soon...
I admit I might've come off a bit self-important... It wasn't my (conscious) intention. I just wanted to provide some personal feedback to CB. As...
BTW. Guys, how about this for a Haqqislamite image? [IMG]
Nooooooo! Think of the children!!! :) Seriously speaking, I disagree. I really don't want to see minis with people blown apart by explosives or...
True, but this is also a game we (or, at least, me) play to relax and have fun. Playing with a miniature sculpture of a human getting a sword...
Good catch about Shona being a nod to historical statues! I thought about it, too. Still, I really think it's both a bit too gruesome and...