tbh, i don´t know how impactful this will be. I sounds very good, with BS13, infiltration, mimetism, high MOV and SJ, but it´s also a unit...
The more interesting part imho is: will reinforcement be "playable" (and therefor: impactful) enough to become a regular alternative to the...
Great work! I realy like how clean this grey/blue looks, especially with the orange contrast. And i always like everything that´s not painted in...
That´s actually a very good point and i like to abuse that a lot; playing off meta (no matter in what game) comes with pro and cons: The pro is,...
If i remember correctly, Blindside mentioned in his preview of the complete preorder set that the book does not contain any rules but the...
Aah, time for an all-time favorite of mine :) [SPOILER] Ooooooh boy, that´s, sadly, so true... I don´t know the feeling of beeing abbandond by...
Well, Tohaa don´t have to proxie :-D oh.. too soon? That´s a very.... nice way to put it... First of all: I am NOT a Tohaa fan, and therefor...
This guy is so edgy I nearly cut myself whilest looking at the artwork :-D till now, O-12 seems to me to be the Reinforcement winner depending on...
Blade-ops seems... actually more like a C1 profile, very slim, nothing special. At the end of the day a BS13 mimetism MI. Shpck immunity, terrain...
I think it depends a lot on what u want to do and what units u are using. I rarely use a 100+ point chunk to advance towards my opponent. Lets...
The Meteor zond looks amazing. Hell, i love this reflections on the blue; the blue metall looks ....wow. The reflections, the lightpoints, the...
You know what I found funny? No Fireteam options in reinforcement :-D That could be some interesting twist. On the other hand, I would like the...
But... isn´t that a problem you have to face with every list? Like hitting the 15 units and still got 7 points left? Or, on the contrary: hitting...
Guys.... calm. First: It´s an optional ruleset. No one holds a gun to your head to play it. You don´t want to? Don´t do it. Second: We have a...
This, tbh, is great news! I am quite happy it´s not another addition to the Nomads list of super specialist jack-of-all-trades. I´d love to see...