you become inconsequent: Don´t forget the TacAwerness Order for Jelena for 3 points, together with a MULT rifle option Also there is a SMG...
Totally understandable... Squalo (imho) is one of the most iconic TAGs out there, cause he feels like the most Vanilla of the Vanilla TAG´s....
Like @MattB89 already mentioned: I guess you ment SMG, not spitfire. edit: ninjad by @Koni ooooh baby. That amazing More reason to play...
not that I remember anyone actually playing with vehicles, but i think it was like a holding spot in case u want to house-rule or mission specific...
[SPOILER] ]I am totally fanboying this old rules atm :-D Some things are real fun, others.... it is better they don´t exist in this manner...
Just talked about this with a fellow player, togehter with some unconventional combinations of Modells in some boxes. Aren´t Govads and Minutemen...
that´s basicly what i feel aswell. Just because it is the only Tag in reinforcement does not make him better. One could argue that he is safe from...
[SPOILER] Since all subforums already have their own threat and are not discussing our precious nomad reinforcement like it used to be with new...
Love this theme. [MEDIA] [SPOILER]
Guys, hakuna your tatas. Why is it always this desperate whiny overexaggoration? One side "TOOHA UNKILLABLE OP OMG" other side "all my units die...
I am not a Druze player, but this sounds like you put yourself in a very tight corsett here. As someone rarely playing a list for more than a...
Lack of sixth sense is a problem a lot vanillas share, and Tohaa is vanilla. PanO has Black friars HRL, which is solid. Plus Agnes.... Yu Jing...
with what I know from the Fluff and story in the reinforcement books it seems to be very unlikely anyone is gonna team up with tooha any time...
[SPOILER] Well, the point is quite obviouse; Sectorials lack the sheer amount of options vanilla has to fill each role and purpose, whilest the...
That is, imho, a path no one can want to go down. Especially if there would be a so much more easy way to attamped the problem: You want a supreme...
to be fair, this RAW is not the clearest of all rules, because "generate as usual" is "ARO in ZoC", and the usual generating of AROs with stealth...
Look at that: Haqqs, and they are brown :-D Love to see Minis of yours, realy like the paintjob. Especially the camo-pattern on the Ayyār looks...
I did not ment tohaa in specific, but playing off-meta comps in general. Sorry, in case that was miscommunicated. I played (and lost) anough games...
Funny, that´s the same thing I thought last time when the 6 points MOV 6-4 irr imp suicide bomb berserked into my anything :-D DTW are a common...