I can´t help myself, but i like this design :-D Can´t wait moving little drones with off-road weels across the board whilest doing silly...
Which, imho, is for most of the factions not the case. Especially with this seperated description of beeing OOP but STILL beeing a legal option to...
First: Very poor choice of words... But... isn´t the Order- and ARO-System the great thing about infinity? Not moving each unit once per turn...
Well, to be honest, these are the same small minded people with a lost grip to reality that threatened Billy Dee Williams for betraying Han Solo....
Don´t get me wrong, i agree with both of you. I´d love to see some thoughts behind changes. And if it´s just "we saw units XY appearing irregulary...
this sounds like the most logic thing to do. The example with the rectangles is (imho) based on the assumption, that 3 of the 4 edges are the end...
Ok, agreed, fair enough. Did not ecpect anyone else but me running wildcats others than the no-cost ltn, for i did not see one in the last.... 4...
since no one seem to react to that: Do we have any further information for this little gem of a card deck? Is the new ITS filled with a little bit...
so the only reason you play wildcats is the ltn without SWC tax and it´s not a Brigada. Exactly my point. Ther eis no other reason to pick them
defenetly a +1 from me. If everyone has to pay the same tax... whyexactly do we even pay it? Years ago a heared a amazing good metapher for...
Not the most fancy work, but still.... :-D [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Don´t get me wrong, I am the first one in line of the "Biometric visor is way to situational for what he´s ment to do"-counter, but let´s keep in...
I don´t dislike the Überfallkommando, indee i realy like the shark and the goat. Beerus seem to have enough after 500 episodes of flying muscle...
ääähm...no? With HoloECHO you can field 3 of the same, with Holomask you mostly field something completly different. Overwise the saying wouldn´t...
The Reinf. Lizard is interesting enough for me to give it a try. AP Spitfire with mines and a Shock-Flamer sounds like the sick shit i wanna try....
Looked to long on the arjuna logo, now I cannot unsee it... Sharing it with you, uw [ATTACH]
vAleph and Steel Phallanx show it in the App, OSS does not
At this very moment, we are so deep in this swamp of negativity, i am not sure if this is ment honest or is just dripping with the darkest of...
Thanks for the honest answer, I can understand and comprehend that. Well, as it seems atm it comes as I fortold: lets see if reinforcement becomes...
I realy not wanna sound sassy or confrontational, I just am curiouse: You read the rules and decided to don't even give it a try. Is it that...