Not a big Kampagne guy myself, but this is something I can work with :) [ATTACH]
Since no one seems to have posted it till now I felt free to do so. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] For me, the matchwinner of the release is...
Stunning work. To paint black that it looks this is amazing. I remember back in the days when i started the hobby and decided, which version of...
Again and again i repeat myself, i realy love this color theme. Funny think is, that in direct comparison the older Custodier looks thinner and...
Back in the days with 2 pages of different hacking programs there was a programm called "Blackout" to disable Comm equiptment. Burst 1, DMG 15,...
mmmh maybe, but my argumentation stands the same: A hellcat behind enemy lines is a way more fragile platform than a repeater that you cannot...
edit.: damn, @Tom McTrouble ninjaed my hard here... I basicly wanted to toot the same horn... plz don´t compare a 100% non-interactive set-up with...
Nice convertion, especially the Stigmata looks great. The hammer is a fitting solution. Seems like both Penitentia and Stigmata where one of the...
I feel a criminaly missed opportunity to use COLOR in here. Resilence Operations sounds like a template-mission that will be filled with...
Same here. I gonna post this for an additional like. Thanks for the great work.
to be fair, control reading is a nasty job and you don´t always find every typo or wrong word, and if you control read manually you are WAY MORE...
As a Nomad player I´ld say: that´s better for everyone. The level of abuse Nomads can pull out of Tachimoto was... adventurous defenetly... you...
This seems to be a mistake [ATTACH] First thing i saw thats new: actually nothing that seems too impactful to me. A nice choice for everyone... The new ITS is online
Sorry, mistakingly postet an error in the ITS15 pdfd. plz ignore [SPOILER]
+1 here. At least half the swards from the past 6 months of releases are riddicules over the top fantasy weapons, the thing 14 year old me loved...
I feel the potential of Squalo MK1.... The MEME potential [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
but LI, as I understood, was never a "one for all". Ofc some factions did preform way better than others, thats due to their nature. Just compare...
It´s defenetly not easy mode and you have to deal with some disadvantage, but its managable. Me and 2 friends all ran LI Tunguska in the last...