*fighting the urge of joining the conversation* *grabs popcorn* *sits down* *enjoys*
I mean, this exrahs scream for a year long stock of bug repell, but HELL this Fiddlers looks amazing. I don´t want to say something against the...
well, seems like I have to get Reinforcement boxes now. This modells like great. The Marspiders look wierd as expected (i thought, at first...
I am way more concerned that the Single´s-discount also includes Andromeda and Voronin. Does that mean Yevguenin does not love his little puppy?...
First: I think a meme should always be a meme [SPOILER] Defenetly. Since you have to work and pay for every breath of air you are in dept the...
this paintjob looks great! Unfortunatly i am not a big fan of Valkyries modell (not one design of hers realy hits me, which is sad, for i realy...
Well, this is some astonishing work you show us here. The modells are a joy to look at, damn Tanya is so detailed it is a shame she is in 28mm...
Playing tohaa is one thing, getting hands on the minis another. Without spending all your saving, a kidney and at least 1 firstborn (can be your...
Potzdonner! Shame on me and all my unborn inherits of my muddy bloodline. Stigmatas hacking blinded me, and lizard... well...we don´t talk about...
Honestly, i don´t know what I am most scared of here: The lack of formating your answer properly which makes it realy hard to read, your tendency...
Funny that you argue that way, cause this is exactly what would happen to every other TAG out there if your idea of "Trinity damaging everything...
First of all, because that triggers me most: Sniperrifles and their rangebands (and thats the only thing thats interesting here) are never OP in...
I thought i already quoted this conversion of yours, but it seems not. I realy like this conversion. That´s something i totally did not understand...
Your conversions and modelling is stunning. I am amazed what people can do with green stuff. I am happy to fill gaps and hopefully dont have to...
Greetings A little bit off topic but I realy like the diorama and I also like how it turned out :) [SPOILER]
I think you ment "Metachemistry (Reroll)" or "Impetuous" but without reroll on it´s own =)
True... This paintjob is far away from anything i loved about the official photos. Yes, astronomical standards of painting level for the majority...
Since mkII is close to beeing released.... [ATTACH]