Greetings, fellow Knights and Warriors of God Since N5 dropped I am eager to field my MO´s to give the new edition a testrun with me first Army....
Never said I want to invest my time in that. But fielding reddit and 4chan,plattforms infamous for their behavior, to point out that there is...
Aaah reddit and 4chan. Defenetly the sources to search for objektive, useful and polite discussions and opinions
I read this threats (here and on FB, and disc... and everywhere...) and there is so much anger... partially justified, but sometimes just......
Paintjob is, to say he least, questionable.... That looks like i painted it when i want to field it on a tournament in 2 days.. The Mini itself...
Same here... although i like the idea of a group of soldiers working as a team due to their year-long service and training, how it was back then...
Maybe, but to be fair: I am still waiting for my trailer for a animated movie of my own sci-fi franchise, the range of new Action figures and my...
phew... long time i set foot in this forum. lets see how fast i regret it :-D that can be said about lots of stuff happening in here...This...
aah... in Vanilla. Thanks, thats what i did not look at.
The thing that made my eyebrowes rise the most is, that the boxes contain 2 Vidocqs and 3 Jackboots. And both have AVA 1? Or did I overlook...
And did it any bad to the release? (i am questioning honestly) I never saw more Bakunin and Morats on the fields. So it seems there was bashing,...
Not that i want to ignore some resemblance to the good old Sci-Fi Tabletop no one in hear dares to leave any good word for, but "Looks like...
I am actaully not sure if i like the new release. It does not blow my mind (but so did nothing for O12), but i also don´t go nuts due to the kinda...
That is not something solely vNomads have to suffer from, but all armies. Maybe some armies suffer more from that than others, and Nomads are very...
Funny thing is: Beeing in Imm-A state and IMM-B at once, you are basicly in the most close-to dead situation there is, for both states limit you...
The big question here is Cui bono? How can you draw advantage from that, and @Tanan just pointed out exactly that, no matter if someone likes it...
Thats something i repeatedly encounter since a couple of months again and again: People complaining about GML beeing unfun and stupid and the...
[MEDIA] Not gonna lie: I am not an Aristeia!-Player, but this trailer is not bad =)