But also no one was saying with any certainty they'll surely get an update soon. In this case it would, but so far we had no hints that...
I'm not sure it'll be worth 49 pts over Charontid Lt too often, though. The latter is an extremely good choice, and Avatar's advantages might not...
Full agree. And this goes both ways, feeling disappointed and angry after losing some armies or not getting updates on what's left is completely...
Proxy Mk3 was most likely removed entirely. Which is a shame, I always liked it, but I think Mk4 squeezed it out.
Easy, guys. Whatever we post here won't change the outcome. Some of us believe they'll rework USARF soon, some believe otherwise, CB will do...
No, we're just drawing different conclusions than you. I think N5EF is in a better shape than before. Taighas got indeed nerfed, but they...
Most of the nerfs we're seeing - on all units, not just the bear - come from rules changing globally, not because of a targeted nerf bat. Bearpode...
Right? I get the same feeling with every army. Morats were already N5-ready, so I'm not as surprised with them partularly, but it does feel good....
I fully agree with both of these. Listbuilding feels much less restricted. Or rather will feel this way once I'll stop trying to fit every cool...
The thing is that right now there's little space for a new Aleph sectorial, unless CB will come up with something completely out of the left...
TAK was always the most complete Ariadna sectorial, with Kosmo being second, despite being a real kitchen sink of an army. USAr felt like it was...
Yeah, I got is since my post ;)
Most of all, PanO is interesting now. They have cool stuff and options. There are weaker spots, like the ORCs, but eh, still playable.
TAG "supporters" are a missed opportunity, optional pilot upgrades chosen from the TAG card itself would work better. The samey upgrades also feel...
Same. There are some singular places I'd like to see bigger changes, but it's insignificant compared to what got upgraded. Had no time to properly...
Please no, last time they made Kosmoflot -_-
I'd bet USAriadna is the next in line for a major rework. About damn time, too
Shameless necro: I wonder if there will be N5 edition of the creator :)
Would be great if it'd also show previous minis, not just those currently in store, but there's always human-sphere, and this will still be a...
I really like the idea of taking one of the older sectorials - for some factions at least - and reworking them purely as reinforcements. Certainly...