Ancient Nisse still can do and the Bolts are also there, pure Duo - if Available- will still hit on 16.
I fear not for Kestrel. The sectorial could get more troops over the time and has already good ARO sniper, a HD sniper and enough active shooters...
I prefer to see it as an hommage :slightly_smiling_face: This is the point. Its not an engi, its an SO with that can do more than push a button....
I am not happy with his change to HI. His armour looks very similar to Daoying. I also think mov 6-4 would be more fitting to his background. They...
I think WC is the most boring of all the merc companys. The fluff talks about Aleph and all they have is one single entry from Aleph. Besides this...
I like to see SOs that can do more then just press a button on an antenna. And the CoC is dirt cheap. Realy good unit, if WC will get a similar...
Kriza got what it deserved - or back to the roots and its an impressive 9 Silverprimediscountpoints less :muscle::tada: Teishin is cheap, can...
Its like beeing a mono fireteam pure duo :muscle::sweat_smile: so yes.
But the possibility is here. €dith: Ah Space Range already mentioned that.
I started with CJC and stayed a long time just with them until the Tunguska Starter was released. One of the most beautiful starters ever IMHO....
Yes it would also be my first choice (so CB will deliver only the MR) but after isolating or imm everything around, you need another unit to...
And its almost a HI :relieved:it has two STR, ARM 3 and is hackable - so yeah it should be in all three sectorials. But keep in mind, that EM &...
I know. Thats why I ask him. I still not so overwhelmed by Discos that I plan to send my Vargar over the field, Discoballing their way and...
To be shoot down by non-msv troops? Or you want to Disco your way? But yeah - I will give my Vargars a chance. A good idea to paint the missing three.
Looks very good - hopefuly it will stay in Tunguska. As I am to geizig for the whole box (I just need one, especialy this one, but another would...
I mean a Tunguska action pack is for the sectorial, so it contains units that are not available in vanilla. Otherwise it would be a Nomad action...
Wow the Pan O flyer will be a PIA killing machine. Hard to ARO. In active it has only his dodge - 3 and mime, but high arm and BTS will make it a...
Ouch - at least thy could sell them as a special with 50 % That makes hope for nice minis. Very tough for their points. am not sure SP needs...
Hopefully the other cranes get the same mov. Last time thei gaines D+1" to keep them 1 pts over Fusiliers. But I have hope. The pic of the...
Cool TAG. BS-3 on a YJ unit - impressive. Not as broken as the SilverStar but still a big guy with flexability. Nit cheap but you get a good...