But they are: Less acid, you don´t have to peel them, they contain flavionides, you don´t have that white fiddeling things, their odor is not...
You pay for the rules with every miniature. And it will be easy to not make this - exclusive! - miniatures obsolet.
Why it is logical that I loose models that I bought over an expensive KS and are exclusive/lim. ed.. That means a lim.ed. model has also a very...
Joan looks totaly fine to me. Sure in MO she is another expensive trooper but a very good one. Even without visor, she aims for 11 vs ODD and she...
At first MI was in WB and HI in ISS - they should keep it that way but the put both in both maybe to encurage more people to buy the comic box....
Aleph lost its Posterboy and some of his friends to a faction that have no need of them (they have female Achilles at home) due to some crazy and...
Its a rebel - thats a important difference. Fluffwise YJ is supporting the Libertos. But I think IA is the last YJ place where I would put it...
But its only lore ... Longarms in Bak was like they took some refugees from Tohaa/Spiral and don´t know what to do with seem in their military....
Its only the backpacks - I would prefer them in Sio. Nobody looks there close up. But I dislike mixed material kits.
They did not excpect that the time to cover was so long or in other words they are running out of videos. More time for bug fixing ;-)
I agree on most of the units, but would like to add something: Feiquan - the shorter range will not so important because of the speed. Sure Pan O...
Give em Camo - fixed.
HMG went down 3 pts and gets: Pulzar and BS-3 and a HP - a real bargain it looks like BS-3 is not very expensive ...
Indeed. And Janissaris are now better Orcs :smirk: That makes me curios what skill-wonders they will work for Zhanying, Shang and other...
Now the profile is more to his character - but he lost Dam und Lt. +1. I like him more like this now. BS-3 and WH - first combo?
My pre-ordered Sandtrap still not in store. Some people orderd CB direct and painted their stuff already ... (not that I would had done that). Dez...
I also expected more from them after reading the leaked fluff. They are designed to fight TAGs - especialy Jotums and therefore I hoped for good...
Most of Shangs have TA already. But I agree just move the skill up to the genral skills part of the profile. But get rid of the plain loadouts....
Its very fitting for him. I do not like how they make a model, that is realative fresh, is not WYSIWYG anymore. And my theses that the...
You realy thought Bolts were designed to fit ForCo? They are formost NCA and they got update over update until they finaly get hot stuff. Many of...